hex leadership

Jerry W. “Rusty” Ingalls | Founder & President

Conducting services with honest principles that are patient centered, and community focused form the ideology behind Rusty’s healthcare business philosophy. Since the inception of his legacy company in 1990, through the founding of NFV in 1996 and still today; NFV’s family of employees keep the course in their commitment to providing timely, cost effective, and compassionate care to those they serve by keying in on solutions to financial burdens carried by both the patient and the organization.

When once prompted by a Hospital Journal in asking, “What is the formula for a successful Eligibility Company?” Rusty responded, “There is no formula for success. Healthcare is a dynamic field. One must personally and professionally be able to understand, adapt, implement and convey change rationale. Every hospital has its own unique challenges as every patient has their own set of circumstances. You have to treat every client and patient individually by recognizing the uniqueness of each individual, hospital, and organization.” Rusty has served in leadership roles while being a long-standing member of both the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) and the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA). Additionally, Rusty participated on both Medicaid and CMS task forces throughout his career to prompt positive change in services and practice in the Healthcare industry. Rusty is originally from Louisiana where he earned degrees in marketing, economics, and history from Nicholls State University. He has resided in Florida since 1990, the birthplace of NFV.

Philip Bramley | Senior Partner

In his role as the Senior Partner, Philip Bramley wholeheartedly embraces and actively seeks out collaborations with healthcare systems. His primary goal is to enhance and tailor the services offered by eligibility units. Philip’s exceptional background encompasses a range of significant experiences. Notably, he has served within a state agency responsible for the administration of benefits, contributing to his profound understanding of this domain. Furthermore, his advocacy on behalf of hospital patients striving to secure Medicaid coverage has provided him with a unique vantage point.

Drawing from these diverse experiences, Philip brings an enlightened perspective to the table. This perspective is invaluable when it comes to providing astute guidance and unwavering support to eligibility teams operating within the intricate landscape of healthcare.

Philip’s educational foundation includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences, earned from Florida Gulf Coast University. Beyond his academic achievements, he has also proudly served as a United States Marine. This phase of his life has enriched him with invaluable insights into effective group organization and leadership, leading to the achievement of collective objectives.

Gerhard Powell | Vice President

As Senior Vice President of NFV, Gerhard has over 30 years’ experience in the healthcare industry. His insight and knowledge throughout the revenue cycle have led many providers to achieve their goals and others to significantly improve upon their efforts within specific areas of the revenue cycle. His innovative approach has served providers and vendors alike creating many valuable relationships and friendships over the years within the healthcare continuum.

Benjamin Keith | Director of Technical Services

As Director of Technologies and Chief Information Officer, Benjamin Keith brings more than 30 years of experience in the fields of information technology and has a diverse background in both government and corporate settings, with extensive experience in enterprise computing, healthcare systems interface, software development, telecommunications, database technologies, and network securities.

Before joining NFV, he worked with various military and government contractors in the realms of project management, database design, and intelligence systems design. His experience in the United States Marine Corps in the fields of network engineering, database management, and software development earned him several top military medals and awards. He currently lives in Western North Carolina with his family. There are unconfirmed reports that he may be the Batman.

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