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Hosted by NFV Healthcare
This past April, NFV Healthcare, a leader in revenue cycle services, hosted a pivotal webinar titled “The Landscape of Medicaid and Expansion in The Carolinas.” The event provided an in-depth look into the evolving landscape of Medicaid and its recent expansion efforts across both North and South Carolina, offering valuable insights for healthcare professionals navigating these changes.

Highlights from the Session
The webinar detailed significant updates regarding the expansion of Medicaid and its implications on eligibility criteria, which have seen substantial adjustments in recent years. These changes are crucial for healthcare providers and administrators to understand, as they directly impact Medicaid enrollment processes and patient eligibility.

A focal point of the discussion was the transition from Community Medicaid to Long-Term Care (LTC) Medicaid. The speakers outlined the transition procedures, the impacts on beneficiaries, and the broader goal of enhancing healthcare access and quality for communities in the Carolinas. This segment was particularly insightful for professionals dealing with or interested in long-term care services.

Meet the Experts
Sarah Goode
Sarah, who has been with New Frontier Ventures (NFV) for over seven years and serves as a Regional Director, brought her extensive hands-on experience with North Carolina Medicaid to the webinar. Her insights helped attendees understand the nuanced changes and operational considerations within the state.

Jessi Weathers
Jessi, a devoted Regional Director at NFV with expertise in both North Carolina and Virginia Medicaid systems, shared her comprehensive background to highlight differences and similarities in Medicaid operations across state lines. Her personal anecdotes about balancing work and outdoor adventures in Western North Carolina were warmly received by the audience.

About NFV Healthcare Group
NFV Healthcare Group is committed to providing superior, customized services to healthcare providers, helping them navigate the complexities of healthcare administration, optimize performance, and improve financial outcomes. Our approach emphasizes quality, adaptability, and the integration of technology to drive positive change in healthcare management.

Additional Resources
For those interested in a more detailed exploration of the topics discussed, NFV Healthcare is pleased to offer the PowerPoint presentation used during the webinar. This resource is filled with detailed slides that cover all the key points and data shared during the event. To access this presentation, please click here North Carolina Medicaid Expansion Presentation.

NFV Healthcare Group continues to support healthcare professionals through educational resources and events aimed at providing the knowledge and tools needed to navigate a dynamic healthcare environment. Keep an eye on our website for more updates and upcoming events.

Thank you to everyone who attended and engaged in this informative session. We appreciate your interest and look forward to your participation in future NFV events.